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Showing posts from September, 2015

Introduction to Off-page and On-page SEO - SEO Tut. 6

In simple language language off-page SEO means what people say about your website on online platforms, and on-page SEO mean how much your website is SEO friendly. In more details for off-page SEO you need to fame your website through various social platforms, directories, emails and PPC strategies. While in on-page SEO you need to modify your meta tag, meta description, changes in html, H1, H2, H3 tags and of course keywords & contents. In this article I will let your learn the introduction and basic steps about off-page SEO and on-page SEO practices. In the next article a detailed discussion about off-page and on-page SEO practices will be discussed separately. This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page