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Showing posts from December, 2016

Social Media Marketing Plan for your Business - SMM Tutorial 1

Social Media Marketing: I have already discussed about social media marketing basics.  In social media marketing first tutorial your marketing plan over social media should be discussed. A plan is very important for any marketing strategy. For digital marketing practices social media is an special weapon. However there are variety of social media weapons like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ etc. Here you will have a detailed focus on these type of weapon to fight in social media marketing war. Here I will also discuss how to choose which which social media should be important for different type of business. So let's start; Popular Social Media Plateforms: Facebook Twitter YouTube Pinterest LinkedIn Instagram Tubmlr Google+ Snapchat Reddit Flickr Kik WhatsApp Shots Periscope Swarm by Foursquare and there are some more but not popular. However you are not required to go for the all social media plateform eventhough they are popular. 3 or 4 among the above ones are mu