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Showing posts from September, 2017

What is robot.txt ? - A complete guide to robot.txt - SEO tut. 17

What is robot.txt ? Robot.txt is some specific term followed by the search engines for communication with web robots and web crawlers. As it is an standard hence also known as robot exclusion standard or robot exclusion protocol. In a very simple language robot.txt allows and disallows webpages for crawling in search engines. Now the question arises what is the need and/or in which circumstances disallowing of webpages for crawling is required. I will teach you everything about robot.txt and its importance in this article. I am going to explain the purpose of the robots.txt file and also share the common rules that you might want to use to communicate with search engine robots like Googlebot. So the primary purpose of the robots.txt file is to restrict access to your website by search engine. Robots or BOTS file is quite literally a simple .txt text file that can opened and created in almost any notepad HTML editor or word processor. It is uses make a start name your file robots.txt an

How to Develop Effective Contents on Social Plateforms - SMM Tutorial 4

Improving Contents for Social Media Marketing: The contets at your website and social media should be distinct. Audience on social media always look for something interesting. You must write a content that look more interesting than the social plateform they are using. Your effort should be to pull the audience from the social media environment to your landing webpage. Here are few tips which can let you know how to gather effective content for social media marketing. Look at your competitors: You must research about your active competitors on the concern social media... This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page