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Showing posts from May, 2015

Keywords Research - SEO Tutorial 4

What is the perfect "Keyword" for great SEO? The very precise answer - Keyword is nothing but your product. It is obvious if your doing SEO then there must be some products for which you are doing SEO. These products are know as keywords  in digital marketing language. The keywords play a very important role in contents. And contents are the king in SEO. Keywords may be a word, a phrase or a sentence. The basic need of the role of keywords could be understood by "how search engine works". Do remember - search engine is a machine: Why I am saying to remember that search engine is a machine! Let me explain. When you will be writing an article you might have been two things in the mind - first is to provide the great article to the audience and second is to writing in a way that whenever someone is searching relevant to your article subjects he must got your article in search engines. Sometimes it happens that rather than a great article search engine does not recogniz