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Showing posts from November, 2017

A complete guide to Google Analytics - SEO tut. 18

I have already introduced you with Google Analytics in previous tutorial - SEO tutorial 9 (SEO Monitoring). Yet I will start from the very begining in this article about Google Analytics. What is Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free tool powered by google to provide the data analytics of the website and its pages on the search engine. The data analytics is about search traffic, visitors analysis, live webpage visitors etc. In this article I will provide you step by step guide for Google analytics with figures and video tutorial. And believe me you will not need any other tution for Google analytics after this. The complete article will be published soon. This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page  

Developing Social Media Contents Calender - SMM Tutorial 5

Why Social Media Contents are so Important: Social media is considered as the most special weapon for social media marketing for digital marketing. The strength of social media is it's networking power. People do forward, share, tweet, like, comment and other networking tools provided by the social media plateforms if they like the things you have posted . But are you getting why I have highlighted the terms "if they like the things you have posted"? The answer is "Contents". Yes only your contents may stimulate people to like, share, comment etc. for your article or posts or products. This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page