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Golden Points about On-Page SEO - SEO Tut. 7

What is new In this article about on page SEO: In this article I am not going to bore you if you have already visited and read blogs about on-page SEO tips. Along with in this article I will start from zero so that newcomers can also enjoy this article about on-page SEO. The things I have manage in this article is practical presentation of on-page SEO practices. This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page

Introduction to Off-page and On-page SEO - SEO Tut. 6

In simple language language off-page SEO means what people say about your website on online platforms, and on-page SEO mean how much your website is SEO friendly. In more details for off-page SEO you need to fame your website through various social platforms, directories, emails and PPC strategies. While in on-page SEO you need to modify your meta tag, meta description, changes in html, H1, H2, H3 tags and of course keywords & contents. In this article I will let your learn the introduction and basic steps about off-page SEO and on-page SEO practices. In the next article a detailed discussion about off-page and on-page SEO practices will be discussed separately. This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page

Introduction to Google Webmaster Tools - SEO Tut. 5

Google Search Console or Google Webmaster Tools - Introduction: Google search console previously known as Google Webmaster is a completely free tool from Google. If you are learning SEO then it should be the first, primary and best free tool to communicate with your website and SEO. Google search console or webmaster tool help you to accelerate your SEO strategies and optimize your website. It also detect issues in your website, even it will tell you if your website is malware infected. As per my advise one should go for Google search console or webmaster tools as a first step of his SEO practices. In this article I will tell you in brief about the functioning of Google search console or webmaster tools. The details about the important part of the Google search console will be discussed later in next SEO tutorials. This article has been left incomplete for guest posting and blogging. If you want to be that one guest blogger than submit your article at the following page https://digital

Keywords Research - SEO Tutorial 4

What is the perfect "Keyword" for great SEO? The very precise answer - Keyword is nothing but your product. It is obvious if your doing SEO then there must be some products for which you are doing SEO. These products are know as keywords  in digital marketing language. The keywords play a very important role in contents. And contents are the king in SEO. Keywords may be a word, a phrase or a sentence. The basic need of the role of keywords could be understood by "how search engine works". Do remember - search engine is a machine: Why I am saying to remember that search engine is a machine! Let me explain. When you will be writing an article you might have been two things in the mind - first is to provide the great article to the audience and second is to writing in a way that whenever someone is searching relevant to your article subjects he must got your article in search engines. Sometimes it happens that rather than a great article search engine does not recogniz

Know Your Business - SEO Tutorial 3

So you are here to learn SEO, Good! But before getting in technical practices may I consider that you have all basic knowledge of your business. No? Yes? or may be? So attaintion ladies and gentle man, for SEO first of all you must have a initial knowledge of your business and products. Let's start in detail; In further SEO tutorials you will go through a detailled discussion about On-page and Off-page SEO practices. The Off-page SEO practices is about 30% technical and 70% about your marketing skills. In on-page SEO practices 60% work is technical and 40% work is content marketing. I have repeatedly mentioned in the articles that "Contents are the King". If you have earned high quality of writing, sufficient marketing skill and keyword planning than you have done your 80% of the SEO job. In this article I will teach you how to and how much you have to know about your business and products to start SEO. So let's start. Meet frequently to your marketing team: Suppose y

How Search Engine Works? - SEO Tutorial 2

Search Engine Working Methodology? If any one wants to learn digital marketing or only SEO by self learning from internet, them he must be looking for the answer that how search engine work. This is an atmost basic question is SEO tutorial. Let's start; Every search engines have three basic step of working Crawling Indexing and Retrieval and optimization Crawling: Crwaling is acquisition of a website data by search engines. In this step search engine make a scan of the targeting website an/or pages. This step is made by search engine to index the elligible websites. Technogy in Crawling:  An automated bot called 'SPIDER' is used by search engines to crwal the web pages. Initially this SPIDER could crawl hundreds of pages per second, but now it is thousands of pages per second. Types of Crawling: Two type of crawling can be done in a search engine. 1. Auto Crawling by the SPIDER. 2. Manual or Forced Crawling by the webmasters tool. The step of search engine working

New to SEO? Let's Start from the begining - SEO Tutorial 1

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? May be the most common question to be asked from the beginners. In the startind days of internet surfing we consider organic search results  (including ad leveled results) as they are ranked on search engines according to their reputaion and/or services provided by them. But now you are asking this question that what is SEO, it means you got the point that organic search results may be altered with some efforts. If you really don't know the abcd of SEO than I must tell you from the very beginning. Remind that time when you search anything on Google or other search engines; Suppose your keyword was "shop laptop", and you got results like; Three types of results reveled when you entered the your keyword in search engine. (The above results are taken from Google) 1. "Ad" leveled results 2. Sponsored shoping results 3. Organic search results. Here results - 1. "Ad" leveled results & 2. Sponsored shoping results